
The Executive Board is the primary governing body of the Society.  It is comprised of nine officers including the President, Vice-president (President-elect), Past-president, Treasurer, Secretary, two Members-at-large, the Chair of the Future International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, and the Chair of the Past International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry.  The bylaws of the society are available here.

Officers of the Executive Board

President: Christopher Omelon

Vice-president:  Lotta Purkamo 

Past-president:  Annette Summers Engel

Treasurer:  Sarah Keenan

Secretary:  Magdalena DÄ™bicka

Member-at-large:  Chris Weisener

Member-at-large:  Jens Kallmeyer

Future ISEB Co-Chairs:  Jon Lloyd and Ernest Chi Fru (with Kevin Murphy, Mineralogical Society of UK & Ireland)

Past ISEB Chair:  Christopher Omelon

The International Advisory Committee is the senior consultative body of the Society, reporting to the Executive Board.  Members of the International Advisory Committee are responsible for promoting the Society and setting guidelines for symposia, meetings, short courses, as well as publications and educational policies.

Members of the International Advisory Committee

2025 - Adrian Mellage (Germany), Jens Hartmann (Germany), Daniel Ariztegui (Switzerland), Alberto Robador (USA), Lucian Staicu (Poland), Henry Tang (China), Simon Apte (Australia), Lian Bin (China), Chengrong Chen (Australia), Hailiang Dong (USA), Danielle Fortin (Canada), William Ghiorse (USA), Qiaoyun Huang (China), Jens Kallmeyer (Germany), Jon Lloyd (UK), Chris Omelon (USA), Annette Summers Engel (USA), Philippe Van Cappellen (Canada), Jerzy Weber (Poland), Jenny Webster Brown (New Zealand), Chris Weisener (Canada)

2027 - Marco Contin (Italy), Irmina Cwielag-Piasecka (Poland), Magdalena Debicka (Poland), Maria Dittrich (Canada)

2029 - Weiguo Cheng (Japan), Ernest Chi Fru (UK), Andreas Kappler (Germany), Sarah Keenan (USA), Riikka Kietavainen (Finland), Martin Krueger (Germany), Mengyan Li (USA), Lotta Purkamo (Finland), Mayumi Seto (Japan), John Spear (USA), Brad Stevenson (USA), Louise Weaver (New Zealand), Kerrie Weber (USA), Yochitaka Uchida (Japan)

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